Protect brand names, company reputations and corporate liability…

Let us properly destroy and dispose of defective products to prevent them from reaching the market place.



Certified Product and Document Destruction

CERTIFIED assists clients with destroying ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to:

• Protect brand reputations, business confidentiality, and ensure public safety and health (in cases where food products are recalled for quality and/or contamination concerns).

• Secures business confidentiality with shredding of paper documents and other sensitive information.

• Ensures the proper destruction and disposition of branded apparel, merchandise, food, liquids, and much more. CLICK to see brief VIDEO

• A Certificate of Destruction is provided following completion of each project.

A Secure Chain Of Custody

CERTIFIED maintains a secure “chain of custody” throughout the entire destruction process:
• Maintains the confidentiality and security of products.
• Provides a Certificate of Destruction after each project is completed.
• Destroyed products are either recycled,  re-purposed, or disposed of using the most environmentally friendly methods available including waste-to-energy, incineration, composting and certified burial.

Save time and money, focus on your business.
Leave your waste and recycling needs to the experts!